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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Fall Season Information

Fall Season

Fall season is the first season of the soccer year. Our soccer year is from August 1 to July 31

Information below may vary by region.

Season Information

  • Fall season starts in early August and runs into October for 5U-8U
  • Fall season starts in early August and runs into November for 10U-19U
  • Registration usually starts in May/June and runs until season begins. After practices begin, registrations will be accepted on case by case basis based on available slots on teams. 


  • Each region does uniforms slightly differently so refer to your region for uniform specifics. 
  • All players must wear shin guards in order to play
    • Shin guards must be worn inside the sock and cannot be exposed
  • Only soccer cleats or tennis shoes can be worn
    • Baseball or football cleats are forbidden
  • NO Jewelry can be worn during soccer matches for safety
    •  Only exception is medic alert bracelet which must be taped down
    • Any hair adornments must be worn in a manner that is safe to other players. (tied tight to head)

Soccer Practice

  • Most games are played on Saturday
  • 10U-19U will "travel" locally (i.e. - Huntsville, Madison, Monrovia, New Market, East Limestone, Harvest, Killen, etc.)
    •  Roughly 50% of games will be scheduled home games and 50% scheduled away games 
    • For regions with multiple teams scheduled away games may be against another team from your region
  • Games for rain outs are rescheduled whenever possible
  • Game length:

  -- 5U-6U games are 20 minutes - two 10-minute halves
-- 7U-8U games are 40 minutes - two 20-minute halves
-- 10U games are 50 minutes - two 25-minute halves
-- 12U games are 60 minutes - two 30-minute halves
-- 14U games are 70 minutes - two 35-minute halves
-- 16U games are 80 minutes - two 40-minute halves
-- 19U games are 90 minutes - two 45-minute halves

  • Half time is usually 5-10 minutes
  • Games through 12U are broken into quarters. For Area 5C 14U and above play with monitored substitutions so they will play halves. 

Players Per Team

  • 5U-8U have 3-5 players per side based on region and team size
  • 10U has 7 players per side
  • 12U has 9 players per side
  • 14U-19U have 11 players per side

Soccer Ball Size

  • 5U-8U uses a Size 3 ball (23.0-25.0 inch circumference, 10-12 ounces)
  • 10U/12U uses a Size 4 ball (25.0-26.5 inch circumference, 12-14 ounces)
  • 14U-19U uses a Size 5 ball (26.5-28.0 inch circumference, 14-16 ounces)